Basic Graduation Requirements

To graduate, Bentonville requires graduates to earn the credits shown in the left column. These required credits are very similar to the Arkansas Smart Core. Most BPS graduates will also meet smart core requirements, however, the smart core is not strictly required.

Bentonville graduates must earn a minimum of twenty-four (24) credits and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.5000 (GPA is carried out four places). Credits are earned at the rate of .5 credits per class per semester. Advisory/Flex classes are non-credit periods. Twenty-two (22) credits must be academic classes.
In addition to the base level graduation requirements, Bentonville public schools offers a couple of extra accolades that can be earned during high school. The first is graduating with honors. The second is gradiating as a Career Studies Completer.
Achieveing one of these statuses is much easier if you go into high school with a plan to reach them. But, it may still be possible to catch up and reach those levels later on in your high school career. Dive in to the requirements to see what it takes!