Subject Areas
Health, PE, and Athletics Course Offerings
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
Health students will be involved in studying the various aspects of health. Topics will inc lude nutrition, physical fitness, mental health, tobacco and alcohol education and human sexuality. Lessons will be taught using lecture methods, individual and group work, guest speakers and demonstrations. Students will receive training and awareness of CPR, first aid, and Stop the Bleed. For a fee CPR certification is optional. Available as an online class.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
Physical Education is designed to promote physical fitness for life. Students will study units through the year built around health-related fitness, health and wellness and lifetime activities. All students will participate in health-related fitness assessments and will design a personal fitness plan.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
Lifetime Fitness & Conditioning is designed to provide students with the knowledge to safely use a weight room, to develop the skills to properly perform specific exercises and to assess, plan and monitor a personalized fitness program.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
Aerobics combines step aerobics, kick-boxing, yoga, Pilates and circuit training to increase fitness levels of participants. Approximately 60 minutes per class will be devoted to participation, with the remaining 30 minutes to warm-up, cool-down and daily goals. Students are required to dress out and participate in class activities.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
Outdoor Education is a practical course for learning and practicing skills for outdoor activities. Students will have the opportunity to venture out of the traditional classroom through planned field trips incorporating sport. Fee: $30.00 activity fee.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
NNDCC/Navy JROTC can be a PE credit, health credit, or practical arts credit. See the full course description in the Career Studies section of this catalog.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5
NNDCC/Navy JROTC can be a PE credit, health credit, or practical arts credit. See the full course description in the Career Studies section of this catalog.
Prerequsites: See General Information on Concurrent Enrollment and Online Courses and their website for entrance test score requirements.
Hours of academic credit: 1
Wellness Concepts is an entry-level 16-week Distance Learning course. Students will examine their own personal behaviors in regards to physical activity, nutrition, and other health behaviors with a goal of being able to make changes to create a healthier self. Course objectives include examining current nutritional habits vs actual nutritional needs and completing self-assessments designed to see what you need to do to improve your fitness level. In addition, you will create a wellness plan for yourself. The course consists of weekly quizzes with assignments or discussions with fellow students. Upon completion of this course students will have the knowledge needed to become a healthier individual. Notes: See General Information on Concurrent online courses
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1
Cross Country
Swim and Dive
Track and Field