Subject Areas

Career and Technical Education
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1
Drafting and Design focuses on the basic knowledge and skills required to produce engineering and architectural drawings. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to the use of drafting equipment, the production of beginning level engineering drawings and the production of beginning level architectural drawings.
Prerequsites: Drafting and Design
Hours of academic credit: 1
This course focuses on the knowledge and skills required to plan and prepare scale pictorial interpretations of plans and design concepts for residential buildings. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to solving drafting and design problems that require the individual to understand and apply a wide range of technical knowledge and critical thinking skills. The course is designed to allow the student to produce architectural drawings as traditional drawings or as computer-aided drawings.
Prerequsites: Drafting and Design or Architectural CAD I. Co-requisite(s) allowed.
Hours of academic credit: 1
This production-based program is designed to allow for the development of skills and knowledge needed to execute a comprehensive architectural product.
Prerequsites: Architectural CAD II
Hours of academic credit: 1
Architectural/CAD II focuses on the knowledge and skills required to plan and prepare scale pictorial interpretations of plans and design concepts for residential buildings. Emphasis is given to the development of real-world experiences in applying the application of architectural drafting standards. This course is designed to allow the student to produce drawings as traditional drawings or advanced use of various CAD software to produce drawings.
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to create graphic works using industry-standard hardware and software for a variety of purposes and outputs. Areas of study include the understanding of the industry history, terminology, color and design principles, typography and ethical and legal issues related to graphic designs.
Prerequsites: Advertising and Graphic Design I
Hours of academic credit: 1
Building on basic knowledge and skills, students will create graphic works using industry-standard hardware and software to create industry-quality products. Focus is given to color and design principles, typography, photography, web graphics, animation and ethical and legal issues related to graphic design. Emphasis is placed on layout design and the creation and manipulation of graphics and their application in industry.
Prerequsites: Advertising and Graphic Design II
Hours of academic credit: 1
Course incorporates the use of advanced graphics and industry-standard hardware and software as students develop capstone projects. Areas of study include the application of color, design and typography principles to develop commercial-ready products. Emphasis will be given to layout design and creation and manipulation of graphics. Ethical and legal issues are explored in this advanced course.