Career and Technical Education

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

Each level of the course includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government; introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid to include diet, exercise and drug awareness, introduction to Geography, Orienteering, Survival and Map Reading Skills; Financial Skills; introduction to the U.S. Navy and continue all the way to include higher levels of instruction in theoretical and applied aspects of leadership, training, and evaluation of performance. Students will become aware of the techniques used to create motivation, develop goals and activities for a work group, and the proper ways to set a leadership example. Students are provided access to ACT/SAT prep courses, guidance in selecting a college and pursuing available scholarships, mentoring in establishing long range life goals. Note: These courses qualify as .5 PE Credit (485950) or .5 Health Credit (480950) if enrolled under these codes. The course cannot simultaneously award credit as PE and a Career credit or Elective.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: NNDCC/ Navy JROTC I
Hours of academic credit: 1

Each level of the course includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government; introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid to include diet, exercise and drug awareness, introduction to Geography, Orienteering, Survival and Map Reading Skills; Financial Skills; introduction to the U.S. Navy and continue all the way to include higher levels of instruction in theoretical and applied aspects of leadership, training, and evaluation of performance. Students will become aware of the techniques used to create motivation, develop goals and activities for a work group, and the proper ways to set a leadership example. Students are provided access to ACT/SAT prep courses, guidance in selecting a college and pursuing available scholarships, mentoring in establishing long range life goals. Note: These courses qualify as .5 PE Credit (485950) or .5 Health Credit (480950) if enrolled under these codes. The course cannot simultaneously award credit as PE and a Career credit or Elective.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: NNDCC/Navy JROTC II
Hours of academic credit: 1

Each level of the course includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government; introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid to include diet, exercise and drug awareness, introduction to Geography, Orienteering, Survival and Map Reading Skills; Financial Skills; introduction to the U.S. Navy and continue all the way to include higher levels of instruction in theoretical and applied aspects of leadership, training, and evaluation of performance. Students will become aware of the techniques used to create motivation, develop goals and activities for a work group, and the proper ways to set a leadership example. Students are provided access to ACT/SAT prep courses, guidance in selecting a college and pursuing available scholarships, mentoring in establishing long range life goals. Note: These courses qualify as .5 PE Credit (485950) or .5 Health Credit (480950) if enrolled under these codes. The course cannot simultaneously award credit as PE and a Career credit or Elective.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

Each level of the course includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government. JROTC Drill Team members must audition each year. Drill team performs at a variety of school and community events that will require time outside of the school day.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

JAG utilizes the National Jobs for America's Graduates model and curriculum. It is designed to assist career and technical students whose ability to successfully graduate from high school and obtain meaningful employment is in jeopardy. High school staff and administrators identify students at risk of not reaching their potential or leaving school prematurely.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

JAG II continues the JAG curriculum and may be repeated. JAG utilizes the National Jobs for America's Graduates model. It is designed to assist career and technical students whose ability to successfully graduate from high school and obtain meaningful employment is in jeopardy. High school staff and administrators identify students at risk of not reaching their potential or leaving school prematurely.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

This instructor-supervised work release course includes monthly employer evaluations of participants. Employment is not a requirement of the JAG program, but credit can be given at the discretion of the individual school district. Participants should be expected to complete 180 hours of work-based learning in order to receive one credit-with a maximum of four credits for completing 720 hours of work study within a consecutive two-year period. WBL may be utilized in both traditional and alternative environments.

Recomended grade level: 12
Prerequsites: Must have all graduation requirements
Hours of academic credit: 0

Project SEARCH is a year-long unpaid internship program that provides young people with disabilities the opportunity to engage in real world experiences in a work environment. This experience is then used to help them find competitive employment in the community that reflects the skills and goals that they have built throughout their internships.

Recomended grade level: 12
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0

The Pathway to Employment Program is a partnership between Bentonville Schools, Friendship Community Care, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, and Mercy Hospital. P to E is an 8 month paid internship for seniors with an IEP in place. One to two students from each high school campus are able to participate in the program after interviews are held. Student Interns will have an opportunity to work in the following departments: Environmental Services (Housekeeping), Central Supply Chain (Stocking supplies throughout the hospital), and Nutritional Services (Food prep, food tray delivery, dishwashing).

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5

PSAT/SAT/ACT Test Prep prepares students for the PSAT, SAT and ACT. It gives students the opportunity to practice the skills they need to succeed on standardized exams, as well as gain the knowledge and critical thinking skills that will aid them in all classes and prepare them for life or schooling beyond high school. This course is a nonacademic credit and is not calculated into the student’s GPA.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: Application
Hours of academic credit: 1

Act 648 of 1993 states that beginning with the 1996-97 school year, "a student who has completed a minimum of seventy-five (75) clock hours of documented community service in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), at any certified service agency or a part of a service-learning school program shall be eligible to receive one (1) academic credit that may be applied toward graduation." Community Service Learning (CSL) in Arkansas is specific to the implementation of Act 648 of 1993 which combines service to the community with student learning in a way that improves both the student and the community. CSL is best defined as volunteering or serving in a worthwhile capacity in the community while making a conscious effort to reflect, through some thoughtfully designed method, on what is learned from the service experience. Guidance for districts and nonprofits is provided in “An Approach to Implementing Community Service”. We will refer to the “Service Learning in Arkansas Toolkit and Resource Directory”. The State Board of Education (SBE) approved sites (businesses and nonprofits) are located under Related Files.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5

Leadership and Service Learning emphasize the importance of leadership skills, volunteerism and professionalism in the development of personal qualities. This course focuses on the benefits of community service, leadership roles and civic responsibilities. Course projects and activities incorporate and reinforce academic skills such as math and science. Students are encouraged to explore areas of critical and creative thinking, responsibility, and cultural awareness as they relate to character development. The use of current technology enhances communication skills and promotes professionalism. Does not count towards completer status.

Recomended grade level: 9
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5

Success 1.0 is designed to assist Freshmen in successfully navigating high school by promoting self-realization, study skills, self-management, and goal setting strategies. Students will practice effective communication, teamwork, critical thinking and creativity as they develop lifestyle and education plans. Self-discovery and decision making skills will be practiced as students investigate the relationship between their interests, values, and aptitudes and possible career choices. Instruction will include the use of Naviance and Blackboard Learn as a part of the Google Classroom.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Application
Hours of academic credit: 0

During their junior or senior year, students may have one period scheduled as an aide worker. Aides are assigned to various locations during the school day. This is a no credit class.

Career and Technical Education Content Areas