Career and Technical Education

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Programming I: Explorations of Coding or AP Computer Science Principles
Hours of academic credit: 1

This mid-level course introduces the exponentially growing field of cybersecurity. Topics include digital and information security while being challenged to think in creative ways to solve real world problems. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Cybersecurity II: Investigations
Hours of academic credit: 1

Examine threats to digital and physical security of systems. Advance towards a mastery level of understanding in security protocols and policies for both Windows and Linux machines. Use industry skills relevant in CyberSecurity to compete in events such as the Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot Competition. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

This is a project based, entry level course with no coding experience expected. Use creativity to design mobile apps and web pages, code VEX robots, and explore the world of cybersecurity. Students can expect to use block-based coding, Python, ROBOTC, HTML, and CSS. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Programming I: Explorations of Coding or AP Computer Science Principles
Hours of academic credit: 1

A mid-level programming course focusing on Java. It is an introduction to elementary game programming topics through Object-Oriented concepts. Students can expect to use Python, Java, and JavaScript. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Mobile App & Game Development or Programming II: Coding & Game Creation
Hours of academic credit: 1

An advanced course designed for those familiar with the basics of Java and JavaScript. The course is highly visual, dynamic, and interactive. It brings together a multitude of concepts learned in previous courses to focus on programming and/or mobile app development. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

This project based, entry level AP course focuses on the overview of Computer Science Principles. No prior coding experience is expected. This course uses computational problem solving to engage students in the creative aspects of the field. Emphasis is placed on coding to create games & apps, automate tasks, visualize big data, and analyze simulations. Additional topics include, cybersecurity, web development, graphics, internet, and artificial intelligence. Students can expect to code in block and text-based languages like MIT App Inventor and Python. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: Algebra I; the sequence of courses for the MAD, Cybersecurity, or CS&SD Pathway.
Hours of academic credit: 1

This is a high-level programming course using Java. It is equivalent to a first-year college course. Experience with programming is encouraged. Emphasis is placed on object-oriented programming with a focus on problem solving, algorithm development, data structures, and abstractions. The accelerated pace is meant to be the equivalent of a first-year college level course. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: One or more computer science courses or concurrent enrollment.
Hours of academic credit: 1

Students will focus on advancing computer science skills, sharpening soft-skills, and learning new skills while completing assignments in a workplace environment. The internship opportunity shall include a strong business partnership that links the internship and its participants to current resources, information, and guidance from computing professionals. Courses should provide intense, competency-based worksite immersion in advanced computer science concepts. Depending on work placement, this course could require a background check at a student’s expense. Note(s): These courses count as weighted credit courses and must include a minimum of 60 hours per semester of authentic work-based experiences, which may be paid or unpaid. This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

Students will leverage problem-solving strategies, analyze and utilize multiple representations of problem-solving logic, interpret relational and logical expressions, analyze and make connections between math and computer science concepts. Identify the five pillars of cybersecurity and evaluate the relevance of each to computer science concepts. Note(s): This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Robotics I
Hours of academic credit: 1

Develop schematics relevant to robotics system architecture. Analyze and utilize collaborative methods in problem-solving, classify and utilize types of information stored in robotics systems, including 2D and 3D coordinate, and system and sensor data. Create programs to store, access, and manipulate robotics systems data. Research and describe common attacks on software, hardware, and networks. Note(s): This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Robotics II
Hours of academic credit: 1

Use problem-solving logic and strategies to solve complex problems in schematics and 3D modeling, apply concepts of mechanical engineering including gear ratios, speed, stability and torque. Apply concepts of electricity, analyze how quantitative and qualitative data are utilized in robotic systems. Perform level-appropriate data analysis using computing tools. Note(s): This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for either a 3rd science or a 4th math to meet state graduation requirements. Course satisfies the ACT 414 requirement for all entering freshmen, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to complete on credit of computer science.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

At the end of this course, students will be able to successfully pilot remotely controlled aircraft; demonstrate FAA regulations specific to UAS aircraft and operations; use basic tools and equipment safely; demonstrate design, troubleshooting and repair of unmanned aerial systems; apply the technical skills sought by employers in today’s UAS-related industries.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Unmanned Aerial Systems I
Hours of academic credit: 1

This course is designed as a capstone course to enable students to plan and execute UAS flight missions(s) for an organization or business. Extended learning opportunities in this course examine digital design and manufacturing, including designing and creating 3-D printed UAS components. Focus will be given to mission execution, including developing a UAS solution for given industry-specific scenarios. Students will continue to develop technical skills developed as a result of UAS I & II courses.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Unmanned Aerial Systems I & II
Hours of academic credit: 1

Students will establish troubleshooting theories, applying theories to solve common hardware and software, and communication problems. Students will understand aeronautical principles, understand weather reports and impact, demonstrating proper UAS operations, including emergency procedures.

Recomended grade level: 9, 10, 11
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

Introduction to Engineering Design is an introductory course that develops students’ problem-solving skills, with emphasis placed on the concept of developing a 3D model or solid rendering of an object. Students focus on the application of visualization processes and tools provided by modern, state-of-the-art computer hardware and software.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Intro to Engineering Design
Hours of academic credit: 1

Principles of Engineering is a broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities. Students will develop engineering problem-solving skills that are involved in postsecondary education programs and engineering careers. They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes. Note: This course qualifies as a flex-credit and may be substituted for a 3rd science to meet state graduation requirements.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Intro to Engineering Design and Principles of Engineering
Hours of academic credit: 1

Digital Electronics is a course of study in applied digital logic. The course is patterned after the first-semester course in digital electronics taught in two- and four-year colleges. Students will study the application of electronic logic circuits and devices and apply Boolean logic to the solution of problems.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Intro to Engineering Design and Principles of Engineering
Hours of academic credit: 1

Students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a significant technical problem by applying the engineering design process. Students perform research to choose, validate, and justify a technical problem. After carefully defining the problem, teams design, build, and test their solutions while working closely with industry professionals who provide mentoring opportunities. At the conclusion of the course, teams will present and defend their solution to an outside panel.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Intro to Engineering Design and Principles of Engineering
Hours of academic credit: 1

Manufactured items are part of everyday life, yet most students have not been introduced to the high-tech, innovative nature of modern manufacturing. This course illuminates the opportunities related to understanding manufacturing. At the same time, it teaches students about manufacturing processes, product design, robotics, and automation.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

EAST® (Education Accelerated by Service & Technology) is, through project-based learning, an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: EAST Initiative I
Hours of academic credit: 1

EAST® (Education Accelerated by Service & Technology) is, through project-based learning, an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: EAST Initiative II
Hours of academic credit: 1

EAST® (Education Accelerated by Service & Technology) is, through project-based learning, an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process.

Recomended grade level: 12
Prerequsites: EAST Initiative III
Hours of academic credit: 1

EAST® (Education Accelerated by Service & Technology) is, through project-based learning, an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process.

Career and Technical Education Content Areas