Career and Technical Education

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

This course provides students with an introduction to business applications that are necessary to live and work in a technological society. Emphasis is given to hardware, concepts, and business uses of applications. The business applications covered are word processing, database, spreadsheet, and telecommunications, presentation, and Web page design.

Recomended grade level: All
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 0.5

This course is designed to prepare students to successfully manage financial resources. This course focuses on the individual’s role and financial responsibilities as a student, citizen, consumer, and active participant in the business world. Emphasis is also placed on activities and competitions within career and technical student organizations (i.e. FBLA, FCCLA, and DECA).

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Survey of Business
Hours of academic credit: 1

Management assists the student in understanding management functions. Students study the management process, decision making, environmental factors, ethics, and social responsibility. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are emphasized as well as concepts of staffing, leadership, communications, entrepreneurship, and international management.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Survey of Business
Hours of academic credit: 1

Marketing students will find out what it takes to market a product or service in today's fast-paced business environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of marketing using real-world business examples. Students will learn about buyer behavior, marketing research principles, demand analysis, distribution, financing, pricing, and product management.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: none
Hours of academic credit: 1

Introduction to Supply Chain Management & Logistics is a year-long course that introduces students to the supply chain and logistics industry. The content emphasizes beginning knowledge key to the success of working in the supply chain & logistics industries. Students study and gain a basic understanding of logistics, transportation, operations, warehousing, supply chain technology, transportation systems, SCOR model, and customer service skills ultimately learning how to buy, make and deliver products. Students will have the opportunity to explore careers in the supply chain and logistics industry.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Introduction to Supply Chain and Logistics
Hours of academic credit: 1

This year-long course covers concepts and skills related to planning and management of transportation and distribution activities affecting business operations. Students will learn essential knowledge for entry into careers in the transportation, distribution, and logistics fields.

Recomended grade level: 10, 11, 12
Prerequsites: Survey of Business and Digital Marketing
Hours of academic credit: 1

Course extends training in the Digital Marketing course to include managing social media content and data to maintain brand integrity, customer satisfaction, and profitability of a business. Students will learn how to create engaging video and graphic content directed toward specific target markets and for specific social media platforms. Students will explore and practice methods for gathering and analyzing data in order to maximize return on investment for social media marketing efforts.

Recomended grade level: 11, 12
Prerequsites: Marketing Business Enterprise or concurrent enrollment.
Hours of academic credit: 1

Small Business Operations provides students interested in learning how to manage a small business. Students will be required to participate in laboratory work. The lab experience will consist of operating a School Based Enterprise. In addition to the lab work, students will also complete a series of lessons designed to prepare them for the transition to higher education and/or an entrepreneurial career.

Career and Technical Education Content Areas